Remarketing From A to Zbooni. The next stage of the cCommerce revolution

Written by Lara Fatho | Sep 22 2022


Remarketing From A to Zbooni. The next stage of the cCommerce revolution

Winning new customers can be difficult and expensive. That’s why many businesses put so much emphasis on retaining existing customers, and expanding the lifetime value they can achieve from them. Remarketing is all about keeping your existing customers engaged, and increasing the conversion possibilities. When done correctly, it can make all the difference to your business. It is no surprise that, today, more than 56% of companies use remarketing strategy to regain or retain customers*.

The most common remarketing channel businesses use today are emails, Google Adwords and Facebook Ads. However, email is becoming a very crowded channel, and open rates for emails are often around 10% or below. Social networks ads can sometimes be effective, but can also drain your marketing budget.

Zbooni offers businesses a far more effective and simple way to re-market, through messaging apps, like WhatsApp, where we often observe open rates at 90% or higher. Doing business over chat/conversation channels keeps you better connected to your customers, and that's what we call cCommerce. It’s at the heart of everything we do.

In this blog, I will talk about four different highly effective ways you can use Zbooni to remarket to your customers without breaking the bank.


One of our latest feature releases (and my personal favorite) is collections. Collections allows you to curate highly relevant products or services particular to a single customer, or for a group of customers, and share that over chat.

It’s a simple but powerful way to keep your customers updated on all your latest products, and can be especially effective for special occasions. For example, Back to School season is coming up and you want to share your latest Back to School collection with a group of customers that you know would be interested - from the app, click on collections from the store button, pick the products from your catalog and share the link via whatsapp.

Free Business Dashboard

Every business at Zbooni has access to their own Business Dashboard - it provides them with all the tools needed to keep track of business, analyze all your business data and make better informed decisions.

One important feature on the Dashboard is Top Customers - every month you can view who your top customers are and what their orders were. From there, you can use the information to re-market to your customers through creating personalized messages that you can send to them on the social channel where they are most active. It is guaranteed that you will get a positive response.

Pending Orders

Conducting your business over chat can seem a bit chaotic- especially when it comes to tracking payments. Zbooni has a Pending Orders tab on the app (that can also be viewed on the dashboard) that lets you keep track of all the sales order links you’ve created and shared but weren’t completed.

You can easily follow up with them on the same chat link to close the sales orders. Once paid, the orders will automatically move from pending to completed.

Broadcasting Messages

Yes, we know you can use broadcast messages using WhatsApp. But, here’s how our broadcasting tool is different:

  • Contacts: You don’t need to save contacts to your phone to be able to send them a broadcast message.
  • Personalization: On WhatsApp, you can’t tailor a message, all your contacts receive the same generic message. With our tool, some aspects of the message can be personalized, like names for example, feeding off the customers you already have on the Zbooni CRM Dashboard
  • Limit: Unlike WhatsApp, our tool doesn’t have any limit. You can send the broadcast message to as many customers as you like.

    In conclusion, as you grow and expand as a business, turning one-timers into lifelong customers is becoming increasingly difficult but as important as ever. It has never been easier to start a business these days, especially online businesses and with the exponential growth of competitors, repeat customers are vital to the continuity of any business. Remarketing helps you keep your brand front and center with customers who have previously engaged with your business. Try it out, you can thank us later.

    56% of companies use remarketing to gain customers. (Ref.)